Regular Meeting –September 14, 2009


           I.     CALL TO ORDER: The regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Mike Williams at 1700 hours.  Members Present: Mike Williams, Steve Howard, Bill Britton and George Owen.  Members Absent: Larry Helsley.  Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord, Sleeper Tim Wenzel and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.     CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting August 10, 2009 –

B.    Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Owen to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.     ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve Annual Audit performed by Gregor Professional Corporation – This item was postponed to the next Regular Scheduled Meeting due to no response to our letter from Gregor Professional.

B.    Discuss/Approve Policy 09-3 Response to Emergencies while under Workmen’s Comp – There was discussion on what the current policy and procedures for workmen’s comp are.  MSC: Britton/Owen to approve Policy 09-3 Response to Emergencies while under Workmen’s Comp subject to Chiefs Alvord’s final editing.

C.    Discuss/Approve Variance for Road Base on Barbara Hunt Parcel Split – This action item was pulled from the agenda.

D.    Discuss/Approve Surplused items, 4 M SCBA Air Tanks, 10 12 R 22.5 Tires and 1 lot of old MSA SCBA – Chief Alvord reported he has checked with other agencies regarding the 10 tires, if he cant find any other agency that can use them, he would like to put them up for “Sealed Bid”.  Chief Alvord will check with Hawkins Bar to see if they are interested on the old SCBA equipment.  MSC: Owen/Britton to surplus 4 M SCBA Air Tanks, 10 12 R 22.5 Tires and 1 lot of old MSA SCBA how Chief Alvord sees fit.


       IV.     CLOSED SESSION:

A.    (Government code section 54957 (c): Public Employee)

Title: Fire Chief/Marshal – Evaluation, Term of Employment -

B.    (Government code section 54957 (c): Public Employee)

Title: Interim Fire Chief/Marshal – Employment Agreement between Scott Alvord and Weaverville Fire Protection District for the position of Interim Fire Chief/Marshal -


         V.     REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION: (Government code section 54957.1 (b)) –

A.    Chairman Williams reported the board approved Chief Smiths Medical leave extension until April 10, 2010.

B.    Chairman Williams reported the board approved the Employee Agreement between Scott Alvord and Weaverville Fire Protection District for the position of Interim Fire Chief/Marshal until April 15, 2010.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report – Chief Alvord reported they are loosing crew members quickly, due to running out of paid work hours.  Chief Alvord is in the process of looking for alternative funding sources for the program.

B.    Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Alvord reported:

Inspections- CVS does comply with the fire and building codes, Chief Alvord met with the store owner and pointed out 3 issues, a door that’s not a door, can’t have carts in front of an emergency exit and he needs the 5 years sprinkler reports.  Mr. Lovely reported a complaint of his neighbor’s wall being torn down.  Chief Alvord referred this to the Building Department due to it being a Building Code not a Fire Code violation.

Vehicles – 2112 is out of service with alternator problems.  2111 has foam pump issue.  There was a complaint of vehicles on District and County property that are leaking.  Chief Alvord is working with Peter Headkey, they have written a letter to the party responsible asking him to remove the vehicles.

Hydrants – The hydrant in front of the Light House Restaurant on Nugget Lane is up and running, the seal has been replaced.

Meetings – TCCA discussed the sphere of influence and placed it in a document.  Chief Alvord had meetings with each Chief, and the form will stay with the TCCA.  A new procedure will be put into place to contact the TCCA president if there will be a change in response for any Department. 

Foam Cash system was also discussed, 50 5 gallons of Class A foam and 25 5 gallons of Class B foam will be delivered and housed at the Weaverville and Hayfork fire stations.  Departments will not have to wait for foam, and we won’t have to pay for foam unless it gets used, Weaverville will however have to inventory and patrol it.

Misc – Chief Alvord applied for Title III funding for the Haz-Mat Reduction program and has met with Jim French and Pat Frost to discuss the project.  The Board of Supervisors will be advertising this for 45 days, and then they will be able to approve funding.  Firestorm is hiring Todd Corbett as a Captain when the current program is complete.  This program has received high praised from the Board of Supervisors. 

One week after the Coffin Incident RCD gave a presentation on defendable space, a house form the Incident was used as an example of defendable space, 30 people attended and the presentation was good.

There is a train the trainer class on vehicle extrication at the end of this month and 2 captains will be going.  The District will be paying for one Captain, the TCCA will be paying for the other Captains and the Department will be paying for Hotel and Food.  Tuition is $250 for each member, the Class is in San Jose, the 2 Captains will learn all of the new vehicle extrication techniques and will be able to come home and teach.

Junior Jeff Hamilton will be working on independent study, through the Department for the next 5 weeks; he will be doing equipment checks, hydrant maintenance and hose testing.

Saw Mill Incident – Chief Alvord passed out a press release and reported on the Saw Mill Incident.  The Department showed an outstanding response to the incident, everyone but 4 people who were out of town responded.  There was discussion regarding the delay in response through Dispatch.  Chief Alvord went over the press release with the Board. 

C.    Fire Department Report – None

D.    Sleeper Program Report – Sleeper Wenzel reported he has been off duty for awhile due to workmen’s comp, he will be returning to full duty soon and will get caught up on the chores.

E.    Committee Reports –

Background Check Committee – Mr. Howard has received his license for Private Investigator.

Recruitment Committee – None

Collections Committee – Collection letters have been sent out, that were approved by Mr. Hammer.  Mr. Hammer advised that if no funds are collected, invoices that are over $200 should be taken to small claims court for collection.  Chairman Williams appointed Mr. Howard as the Court Representative.

F.     Director Reports – Mr. Britton reported he went on another strike team and Chief Alvord was still unable to go with him.  Mr. Owens thanked Chief Alvord for getting the oil fire grounds cleaned up.  There was discussion regarding a sign being wired to a hydrant on Abby Road.  Chairman Williams reported he will be out of town on vacation from September 28th thru October 23rd.






       IX.     ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1815 hours


Approved:  October 5, 2009




______________________________                  _____________________________

      Steve Howard, Vice-Chairman                                  Marjie Maddox, Clerk